Utility Billing
Utility billing is done monthly. Bills are mailed out within the first week of each month. If you have not received your bill by the middle of the month, please contact the Village Office for your account balance and to verify that your mailing address is correct. If your utility bill is higher than normal, we strongly recommend you contact us as mistakes do happen. For more information about your utility bill, send us an email or call us at (306)884-2030.
Paying Utility Bills
Accounts can be paid through cheque, in person at the Village Office (we accept cash and credit/debit), or by Interac e-Transfer*.
*Interac e-Transfer
In 2020, we added Interac e-Transfer auto deposit service. This service can be used to pay for taxes or utilities, licences, permits, invoices and general services offered by the Village Office. We do NOT accept e-Transfers for any SGI transactions (more information about SGI can be found here).
To use this service, set up nvp.payments@sasktel.net as a recipient under your Interac e-Transfer services within your online banking services. As this account is set up for auto deposit, the security question and answer will not be used.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your payment is properly applied when you use this service. Please make sure your memo clearly indicates your name, account number (if applicable) and what you are paying for. The Village Office does not take responsibility for any misapplied payments due to the payee’s failure to submit this information. If you do not have sufficient room to include your payment details, follow up with an additional email to nvp.payments@sasktel.net detailing your name, account number (if applicable) and how the payment should be applied.
Required Payment Information
1. Account Number (If applicable)
2. Payee Name (Your name)
3. If you are paying for something other than a tax or utility account (i.e. dog license, business license, building permit, other invoice), in addition to the Payee Name, you will need to include:
a. A description of what is being paid for;
b. The invoice number, if applicable; and
c. The name of the license or permit holder, if applicable.
The Village Office does not mail receipts unless specifically requested. If you require a receipt, send a follow up email to nvp.payments@sasktel.net with your request and details of the payment submitted along with the desired email or mail address for delivery